What Is Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)?

Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) is a legal term defined as the point at which the condition of an injured person has improved as much as it possibly can. MMI is usually used to determine the value of a personal injury claim.
Notably, maximum medical improvement does not mean that an individual has recovered from their injuries. It only means that a person has reached a condition deemed to be the healthiest they can be. When a person has reached MMI, their health is theoretically unable to dramatically improve. For example, a person with paraplegia would reach MMI when their condition is stable and they're as healed as possible; reaching MMI would not mean they're able to walk again.
Does Reaching MMI End Compensation?
It is common for individuals to assume that reaching MMI signifies the end of their compensation—this is not always the case. When a person reaches full recovery, they are obviously at MMI, and their compensation will end. However, some individuals who are permanently injured may only be able to obtain 60 percent full health. These individuals may have reached MMI but are still entitled to compensation. Though individuals like this have reached full recovery, they still require medical care and compensation for the costs associated with it.
Patients who have reached MMI get an impairment rating. This number determines how much compensation an injured person will continue to receive after reaching MMI. In Texas, a person is automatically considered to be at MMI after 104 weeks (2 years) of receiving benefits. A person will have limited benefits after they reach MMI, and a time limit will be set according to their impairment rating. A person will receive three weeks of benefits for each percent of their impairment rating. So, if a person is considered to be 50 percent improved, they will receive benefits for 150 weeks longer. Additionally, a person who has reached MMI will only be able to receive 70 percent of their average weekly wages.
Why an Attorney Can Help Your Claim
Insurance companies want to make money. If you have received an unfair impairment rating, you have the ability to appeal it. Having an attorney fight for your compensation is the best way to ensure that you are receiving the most amount of compensation possible for your injuries. A personal injury attorney from Arnold & Itkin will help build a strong case that fights for your financial security during this challenging time. Our lawyers will fight to help you receive the amount that you deserve for the time that you need it.
Contact our the personal injury attorneys at Arnold & Itkin today at (888) 493-1629 for a free consultation. We’ve won billions for clients just like you!
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