9-Year-Old Boy Now Astroworld’s 10th Fatality

Nine-year-old Ezra Blount died on Sunday from injuries he received at the Astroworld crowd surge disaster. His injuries necessitated a medically induced coma, but he succumbed to his injuries on Sunday night, the Blount family said. Ezra is now the 10th fatality caused by the Astroworld catastrophe.
With Ezra’s death, the age range of the concert fatalities is now 9 to 27. Before Ezra, the youngest victim was 14—a 9th grader from Memorial High School who died at the scene. Ezra is also, sadly, the second fatality to occur in the days following the concert. Bharti Shahani, a 22-year-old Texas A&M senior, died last week from her injuries.
Father-Son Bonding Turns to Tragedy
Ezra’s father Treston brought the boy from Dallas to Houston for Travis Scott’s performance because Ezra was a fan. For Treston, it was an opportunity to spend quality time with his son. Treston put Ezra on his shoulders and stood near the back of the crowd, where he believed there would be more room.
However, as Scott took the stage, poor venue security and bad event planning meant the crowd surged from the back, pushing forward and crushing Treston. He lost consciousness with Ezra on his shoulders. When he came to, Ezra was missing; after a frantic search, Treston found his son at the hospital among unidentified victims. The boy’s brain, kidney, and liver were all damaged, which forced doctors to induce a coma.
Scott and other event organizers are now the target of a criminal investigation.
Basil Baig, the brother of another Astroworld fatality, said it best:
“Travis Scott and his team and everyone associated in the event should and will be held responsible. He [didn’t] stop the show even with people chanting to stop the show. He allowed it. This was a blood bath and all of it is on his hands.” Arnold & Itkin’s inspection of the venue grounds, as well as a minute-by-minute log from the Houston Fire Department of the day’s events, show that Live Nation and event security were as much responsible for the blood bath (if not more so).
Arnold & Itkin represents over 100 attendees of the Astroworld disaster. We’ve won over $20 billion for our clients, and we fully intend to get those injured by Live Nation and Travis Scott everything they need to rebuild their lives.
Fight for your loved ones and yourself by speaking with us today for a free consultation: (888) 493-1629.
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