Family of Man Killed by Fire at Corpus Christi Magellan Tank Facility Deserves Justice

December 5, 2020 was a day that unfairly changed the lives of seven workers at Magellan Midstream Partners Corpus Christi petroleum facility. A fire and explosion at the location sent seven workers to area hospitals, some of them with severe burn injuries. One of those workers succumbed to his burn injuries.
Arnold & Itkin is now fighting for the accountability his family needs after this devastating, preventable incident. Our Corpus Christi plant accident lawyers have been investigating this accident on their behalf.
What Happened During the Magellan Fire?
Early reports indicated that officials from Magellan believe the fire started in an above-ground storage tank that was undergoing maintenance. Each person injured that morning was an employee of Shelton Services, a company that provides storage tank cleaning services to oil and gas companies.
While the cause of the blaze is still being examined, our attorneys know one thing is certain:
Tragic accidents like this only happen when companies fail to do what's right.
While working in petroleum facilities is inherently dangerous, it shouldn't be deadly. Proper maintenance and strict safety procedures mean that the hard-working men and women of the oil and gas industry should return home every day. When a company makes even slight cuts to safety, it’s a matter of when an accident will happen rather than if one will occur. Despite this, companies continue to cut corners and gamble with their workers' well-being.
At Arnold & Itkin, we hold large companies accountable for failing to protect their workers. Doing so helps families find answers after the unthinkable and reminds companies that negligence carries consequences. While we can't change what happened, we can help make sure more workers don't suffer in a similar way.
We’ll fight for the justice that this grieving family deserves. No matter what.
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