Case Filed for Car Mechanic Hurt on the Job

Filing suit in Williamson County, Arnold & Itkin work injury lawyers are representing a car mechanic who was injured while working for a major automotive car company.
While changing a tire while the car was on a lift, our client injured himself. Instead of getting him the care he needed, our client’s employer forced him to continue working, which further injured his back, neck, and head. Our client is a hardworking man, a husband, and a father of two children. Because of his employer’s negligence, he has suffered costly injuries and an impaired ability to work.
Employers are responsible for their employees and their safety, and while not all accidents are preventable, they need to be handled appropriately. This employer showed clear disregard for the safety and health of their workers.
Arnold & Itkin will ensure that our client is well represented and can command the best results.
- Categories
- Serious Injuries,
- Workplace Accidents