Case Filed for Oil Field Worker Killed in Explosion

Attorney Cory Itkin has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the family of an oil field worker who was tragically killed on the job.
The worker, from La Grange, Texas, was a beloved husband and committed father of two minor children. Also a field operator, he was checking on an alarm that had gone off on a compressor when an explosion occurred due to a faulty blowdown pipe. He did not survive this explosion, leaving behind a devastated family.
The explosion was not just a tragic accident; it was a preventable incident that occurred due to apparent oversight and disregard for safety regulations. Our team's aim is to not only seek justice and compensation for the bereaved family but also to highlight the importance of stringent safety measures in the oil industry. This lawsuit serves as a call to action for all oil field companies to prioritize the safety of their workers above all else.
Arnold & Itkin investigated the incident and filed suit to hold the oil field companies responsible for their unsafe equipment and shoddy work practices.
Our wrongful death lawyers filed this suit in Harris County, Texas.
- Categories
- Oil & Gas Industry,
- Workplace Accidents,
- Wrongful Death