Suit Filed for Roofer Who Fell 30 Feet Through Unprotected Skylight

Arnold & Itkin LLP’s industrial accident lawyers filed a lawsuit in Harris County, Texas on behalf of a young roofer who was catastrophically injured on the job.
While working on a warehouse roof in Houston, Texas, the 18-year-old worker fell through an unbarricaded skylight that gave way. The worker fell more than 30 feet and suffered catastrophic injuries, including a traumatic brain injury, fractured skull, broken elbow, and damage to his carotid artery. He has had several surgeries already and has a long road to recovery ahead.
According to OSHA, employers must have fall protection in place wherever a worker runs the risk of falling 6 feet or more. OSHA best practices include having employers place covers over skylights, covers that can support more than twice the weight of workers and their equipment so as to provide fall protection for workers. Tragically, that safety measure was not implemented at this site.
Arnold & Itkin is looking forward to helping the worker and his family through this trying time. Our attorneys are honored to pursue a measure of justice on their behalf.
- Categories
- Brain Injuries,
- Serious Injuries,
- Workplace Accidents