Case Filed for Injured Jones Act Seaman

Arnold & Itkin attorneys Trent Shelton and Jason Itkin recently filed suit on behalf of a Jones Act seaman who suffered serious injuries while working offshore on an Enterprise vessel.

Our client was helping with a fluid transfer operation when the vessel’s crane operator picked up another tank without warning, failed to properly center it, and ultimately caused it to pin our client against the deck.

Unfortunately (and predictably) the company has refused to take responsibility for our client’s injuries. Especially when working offshore, seamen are put at risk every day with limited access to medical care. This is one of the many reasons why operating a vessel safely is so important. Due to the unique work that they do, seamen are protected by the Jones Act, and we fully intend to obtain justice for our client in this matter.

Our Jones Act lawyers filed this suit in Harris County, Texas.

Offshore/Maritime Injuries
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