Case Filed for Seaman With Broken Back After Vessel Power Failure

Arnold & Itkin’s maritime lawyers recently filed suit on behalf of a seaman who sustained serious orthopedic injuries during a complete power failure of the vessel he was on.
The vessel experienced a 100% power blackout, causing it to be thrashed around in massive waves. The seaman fought for his life to avoid going overboard.
Our client, a husband and father of two, now suffers from the repercussions of a broken back as well as headaches, anxiety, and PTSD. This incident has undoubtedly affected his life and his ability to enjoy it with his family.
“Our client endured a real-life nightmare and, luckily, lived to tell the tale. Unfortunately, not without breaking his back, intrusive PTSD, and other injuries. This vessel was clearly unseaworthy and unmaintained and our client’s employer risked his life. This is the reprehensible behavior of a vessel owner and employer who puts profits over its own seamen’s safety. We look forward to getting our client the fair compensation he deserves,” our lawyers said in a statement.
We filed this case in Harris County, Texas.
- Categories
- Offshore/Maritime Injuries,
- Serious Injuries