Lawsuits for Property Contamination Caused by PFAS
In Johnson County, PFAS contamination has poisoned several ranches, killing livestock and making groundwater unsafe. County officials and scientists identified the culprit: a fertilizer made with biosolids from a Fort Worth wastewater treatment plant. These biosolids, derived from human waste, were so concentrated with PFAS that runoff from the soil ruined several ranches for the foreseeable future.
Affected ranchers will have no choice but to euthanize all livestock and abandon their land—all because they or a neighbor used a fertilizer advertised as safe. Entire families have been financially ruined for generations.
Synagro Fertilizer Attorneys
Manufacturers have been selling fertilizer with human waste byproducts since the expansion of wastewater treatment facilities in the 1980s. These products have generated billions for a handful of companies, including Synagro—a Goldman Sachs-owned company that produces the majority of biosolids fertilizer in the US.
Synagro insists that their product is safe and has nothing to do with the contaminated land, but tests on deceased animals from affected properties proved they had fatal levels of PFAS. Meanwhile, studies increasingly show high levels of PFAS in waste treatment facilities and landfills. For instance, one meta-study reports that, of 7.5 metric tons of PFAS that enter municipal solid waste landfills every year, 11% leaches into the water supply and 5% is emitted in landfill gas.
Companies like Synagro vigilantly defend the use of biosolids, going so far as to send two company representatives to a small town when it was discussing a ban. Some farmers are using these products despite neighbors urging them not to, as using them can have a widespread effect on surrounding properties. In either case, property owners who suffer the consequences of PFAS contamination deserve a way to recover what they’ve lost.
Billions Recovered From Negligent Corporations
The trial attorneys at Arnold & Itkin have secured over $20 billion from negligent corporations, including hundreds of millions for property contamination cases. We’ve taken on the nation’s largest oil and gas companies after they poisoned our clients’ yards, fields, and wells, helping plaintiffs get the money they needed to rebuild or restore what they lost.
Our experience with these cases equips us to understand what remediation will be required to undo the harm caused by PFAS and how much it will cost, if remediation is possible at all. Our PFAS contamination attorneys possess the resources and knowledge necessary to fight for your future; get a free consultation to get started.
Call (888) 493-1629 or contact us online for your free consultation.