Finding Justice
In this documentary, Kurt Arnold, Jason Itkin, and clients from some of the firm's most notable cases come together to tell their story—the losses, the wins, and how AI built a reputation for finding justice.
In this documentary, Kurt Arnold, Jason Itkin, and clients from some of the firm's most notable cases come together to tell their story—the losses, the wins, and how AI built a reputation for finding justice.
Usually, the most people ever hear about a lawsuit is the end: how much someone won or how a company was able to avoid responsibility for an accident that was clearly their fault. In Finding Justice, Kurt Arnold, Jason Itkin, and some clients from our most industry-shaking cases share the side of the story no one gets to hear.
In this 40-minute documentary, eyewitnesses to some of the worst accidents in U.S. history describe the heartbreaking moments they've lived through, what they faced in the aftermath of the most destructive moment of their lives, and how their desire to find justice led them to Kurt and Jason.
Kurt and Jason also share the personal side of their practice—divulging the defendants that shocked them with their lack of empathy and the fire that drives them to go head-to-head against teams of lawyers. While this documentary features Kurt and Jason, it's not just about them. It's about the hundreds of people who have turned to them over the years. About how we never stop advocating for the people who depend on us.